As Architects push the boundaries of contemporary design and Quantity Surveyors do their value engineering, so the Avalon Safety & Design team push the opportunities for bespoke facade and rooftop access solutions, saving money, time and the environment.
AvalonPro Safety & Design offer a ONE STOP SHOP for advice, design, installation, certification and a soft landings construction handover.
We are a leading specialist in our field, from Davit Arm lifting and maintenance systems to Horizontal Rail, Fall Arrest and Fall Restraint systems (both temporary and permanent systems).
Please contact us for a free initial meeting / survey / quote or CPD presentation.
We normally get involved with high rise projects at RIBA stage 2 or 3 but the earlier the better, local authorities & planning often welcome rope access designed systems as they are less obtrusive and don’t add any height to the final floor finish.
Temporary davit arm systems are only visible when being used, unlike Building Maintenance Units (BMU) and cradles which are sitting there parked 24/7 365 days a year.